Verified Gigs by Professional Freelancers

Don’t know where to start?
Talk to One of Our Experts
Leave your contact information here and one of our experts will get in touch with you over the phone/skype at the scheduled time. The expert will be able to help match you with one of our verified freelancers based on your budget and requirement. Consultation is completely free on Zilra!
SCHEDULE A CALLEasily the best place to hire the best talent from around the worldGeneral Aladeen
I stopped slaving away on phone calls everyday just to find clients. I now work full-time for my Zilra customers aloneFoghorn Leghorn

Don’t have the time to manage your freelancer?
Hire A PM
If you are new to hiring a freelancer or you do not have the time to manage one, you can hire one of our Project Managers along with one (or more) of the freelancers here. You give us your requirement and get a fixed quote in 48 hours. Once you choose to hire, our PM takes care of the project management and ensures delivery of your project in the estimated time. Any overages is upon us!